18 March 2011

More on Bullying

A few weeks ago I wrote about my son being bullied here at his Sydney School. I thought the fact he had finally snapped and stood up for himself may have resolved the problem. Unfortunately this has not been the case. My son was in a terrible state last night and I have had to keep him home from school today.

What to do? He didn't want me to speak to the Headmaster as he said that would "get me killed". Whilst this might sound a little melodramatic it is a clear example of the deleterious effect this is having on the mental health of my son. In an effort to have an indepeendent person provide advice I asked my son to call the National Kids Helpline last night.  He spent an hour talking with soeone there.

I am so upset about this I can hardly think of anything else.

I rang the school to get an appointment with the Headmaster and he was booked out for the day. To his credit he did ring me this morning and promised to help my son get through this and to get to the bottom of the issue in a sensitive way that does not make matters worse for my son (think - more bullying - dobber etc).

I hope he follows through. I will be naming and shaming the school next week if he doesn't.